
The competition offers a lot of features that are missing from this product, and I get that the company wants to keep some things close to the vest to stay ahead, but at the same time, a roadmap would be really helpful in getting a sense for what's in development and what's not.

  • Email Features 7
  • Easy To Use 7
  • Price 7.5
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

Are you looking for an email automation platform that can help you manage your newsletters? Look no further than SendFox!

In this blog post, I’ll share my experience with SendFox, as well as provide a comprehensive review of the platform. Read on to learn more about automated newsletter campaigns with SendFox!

My Experience with SendFox

I switched from Mailchimp to Appsumo to get a better deal, but I’m disappointed with what I’ve found.

SendFox doesn’t have nearly as many features as Mailchimp, and the ones it does have come at an additional cost. Even worse, each email takes minutes to arrive. That’s costly and we lose leads that way.

I hope they change their policy soon. A single opt-in should be a basic feature; we shouldn’t have to pay $10 a month for the empire package to get it!

Start An Automated Newsletter Campaign Without A Website Using Sendfox.


The competition offers a lot of features that are missing from this product, and I get that the company wants to keep some things close to the vest to stay ahead, but at the same time, a roadmap would be really helpful in getting a sense for what’s in development and what’s not.

Pros and Cons of SendFox

SendFox is an impressive Email marketing tool to send unlimited campaigns to email list. It is designed specifically for content creators and helps cover all the important marketing bases, from forms and CRM to email campaigns and automation.

SendFox is a simple yet powerful email marketing platform that facilitates users with an intuitive dashboard, smart campaigns, and automated follow-ups. It also offers a wide range of features such as forms and CRM, email campaigns, automation, analytics, and integrations.

The pros of using SendFox are numerous.

First, it is an affordable newsletter tool that marketers can use when they’re looking for a way to automate their email marketing campaigns.

  • SendFox also provides a wide range of features such as forms and CRM, email campaigns, automations, analytics, and integrations.
  • It is also easy to break customers into separate lists but still only charged per email address.
  • Furthermore, it is easy to send emails as an automated sequence or single blast email.

On the other hand, the cons of SendFox are few but worth mentioning.

  • First, SendFox doesn’t offer a free trial period to test its services before committing.
  • Additionally, users may experience some difficulties setting up automated sequences due to the lack of tutorial support.
  • Furthermore, there are no custom templates available or any additional design elements that can be used to customize emails.
  • Lastly, some users have complained about the limited customer support options available.

Features Overview

SendFox is an email marketing platform that allows users to create and send newsletters, automated emails, and targeted campaigns. It also offers a range of features to help businesses optimize their campaigns.

These include auto-generated innovative campaigns, automated newsletter campaigns, smart campaigns, RSS feed updates, custom emails, custom landing pages, sign-up forms, and campaign insights.

The auto-generated innovative campaign feature allows users to create unique campaigns tailored to their target audience.

This is done by using advanced algorithms to create personalized content for each recipient.

Smart campaigns are also available, which are designed to help users set up automated email campaigns that can be triggered based on specific conditions.

RSS feed updates let users easily update their content with new articles, product updates, and more.

Additionally, they can create custom emails and landing pages that can be used in their campaigns.

Finally, the campaign insights feature provides detailed analytics on the performance of each campaign. This includes open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates.

What is SendFox?

SendFox is an intuitive and powerful email marketing platform that allows businesses to create and send automated newsletters, promotional emails, and targeted campaigns. It also helps users to track, analyze, and optimize their email campaigns.

With the help of SendFox’s easy-to-use dashboard, you can set up automated email workflows with just a few clicks. You can also customize your emails with the drag-and-drop editor and create beautiful landing pages with the help of their templates.

Moreover, with its advanced features such as A/B testing, segmentation, and personalization, you can measure the success of your campaigns and make informed decisions to maximize your engagement and ROI.

Additionally, SendFox also offers a wide range of integrations with other popular tools like WordPress, Shopify, Mailchimp, etc. so you can easily sync all your data across different platforms.

Furthermore, its reliable delivery system ensures that your emails reach the right people at the right time.

Above all, SendFox’s customer support team is always available to help you out with any queries or issues you may have.

Creating a Newsletter

Creating a newsletter with SendFox is easy. All you need to do is select a template, add your content, and customize it with images and videos. You can also personalize your newsletter by adding dynamic content, such as your recent blog posts or upcoming events.

Once you’re happy with the final version, you can send it out to your subscribers. You can also schedule your newsletters to be sent at specific times or set up automated campaigns in which emails are sent out based on subscriber behavior.

Automating Your Campaigns

SendFox allows you to automate your email campaigns with ease. You can create automated sequences, set up triggers, and segment your audience to personalize your messages.

You can also set up rules and filters to further target and segment your customers. You can even create a sales funnel and set up automated responses for each step of the funnel.

Analyzing Your Results

SendFox makes it easy to analyze the success of your campaigns. You can view detailed reports for each email that you send out, allowing you to track open and click rates, unsubscribes, and more.

You can also track the performance of your campaigns over time and compare them to other campaigns. This helps you to understand which emails are working and which ones need improvement.

With SendFox, you can quickly identify trends in your data and adjust your campaigns accordingly to maximize their effectiveness. You can also integrate your SendFox account with Google Analytics to track how visitors to your website are engaging with your emails.


Connect Google Data Studio and Review Scraper and SendFox to sync data between apps and create powerful automated workflows. Integrate over 1000 apps

Integrations are a key part of any email marketing platform, and SendFox offers a wide range of integrations to help you create powerful automated workflows.

You can easily connect your SendFox account to over 1000 different apps, including Google Data Studio, Review Scraper, and more.

This allows you to sync data between apps and create powerful automated workflows that can help you save time and effort while improving the efficiency of your campaigns.

With SendFox’s easy-to-use integrations, you can quickly create automated workflows that will help you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns.

Email Deliverability

Email deliverability is an important factor in any email marketing campaign. SendFox provides a high deliverability rate for emails sent through their platform.

This is due to the fact that the company uses advanced email delivery technologies and has a dedicated team of professionals that monitor and verify email delivery.

Additionally, SendFox also has a powerful spam filter which helps ensure that emails are delivered to the right inboxes. This ensures that emails are delivered to the intended recipients and not blocked by spam filters.

Moreover, SendFox also has tools that allow users to track email performance to measure the effectiveness of campaigns.

Customer Support

SendFox offers great customer support through its chatbot and email support. They also have an extensive knowledge base with helpful articles and video tutorials to help you get started quickly.

They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, which is a testament to their commitment to customer satisfaction.


Pricing: To use SendFox, you can choose either a monthly subscription or a one-time purchase.

The one-time purchase plans start at $49. All plans include unlimited emails and depends on the number of subscribers you have an email list.

Advanced features such as drip campaigns and custom integrations are available with the paid plans.


SendFox offers a unique Lifetime Deal that allows you to create automated newsletter campaigns with an affordable email marketing solution. This is an ideal choice for small businesses and startups looking to get started with their email marketing efforts.

Q: What type of automation features does SendFox offer?
A: SendFox offers a variety of automation features such as scheduled emails, automated responses, and list segmentation. You can also create custom email flows for different customer segments.

Q: How reliable is SendFox’s email deliverability?
A: SendFox offers high deliverability rates through its software and is committed to making sure that your emails get to their destination. It utilizes advanced filters and technology to ensure that emails arrive in the inboxes of your customers.

Q: Does SendFox offer any customer support options?
A: Yes, SendFox offers professional customer support through its dedicated Help Center. You can access the Help Center via the SendFox website or by emailing The team is available 24/7 and can assist you with any technical or usage-related questions you may have.

Q: Does SendFox offer discounts or promotional offers?
A: Yes, SendFox offers a unique Lifetime Deal that gives you access to all of the features at a discounted rate. Additionally, they


After reviewing SendFox, I can confidently say that it is an excellent email marketing platform with a comprehensive set of tools that allow you to create and send newsletters, automated emails, and targeted campaigns.

The platform offers powerful analytics tools to help you measure the success of your campaigns, as well as integrations with popular third-party services.

On top of that, SendFox offers great customer support and is reasonably priced. All in all, SendFox is a great choice of email marketing solution for businesses of any size.


Luke Simpson is a Writer & Editor for Ai Writer - an AI powered writing assistant for business. I is interested in all things tech and is a geek at heart. I loves to play with new innovative software and gadgets. You can find me at the gym most of the day and if he's not there or at home, you'll find him at his desk working on his latest project.